Thursday, October 20, 2005


Well, it's maybe a strange thing to write about in my first blog entry, but today I'm going to have a little rant about litter ...

What's prompted this? Well, last weekend I was taking the bus into Coventry (lovely place, lovely place, don't get me started!) and the bus stopped at a stop. A couple of young lads (around my age, though they didn't look like students from my university - and the way one of them behaved I hope they weren't) got off the bus. One of them was carrying a bottle and proceeded to lob the bottle over a hedge into the garden of a company's premises. He then went on to rifle through his coat pockets, pulling out any peice of paper that he could find, before scattering them all over the pavement as he and his friend walked along.

It made me think that it would be great if someone went round to his house and threw a load of rubbish in one of his rooms - all over the floor would be good. How would he like that? A bit radical you may think and I don't think it's actually something I'd do (!), but I just thought that this guy was a grade-A moron for being so lazy, thoughtless and stupid when there was a bin just metres from where he was. I wonder how he would feel if he was treated in that way - one hopes it might make him reconsider his actions. By the way, no wonder Coventry has such a tacky reputation if that's the way that it's citizens treat it! (although clearly I'm exaggerating here)