Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Bye Bye Coursework

I've just finished my last ever piece of university coursework (well, for my undergraduate degreee anyway). Wooo!

Of course it involved the usual all-nighter - no change there then. But why? Why do I put myself through this? I left this coursework right til the last week of the Easter holidays, but even then (after I started it last Tuesday) I should have finished it in 2 or 3 days.

1) I'm bad at disciplining myself to work - don't seem to have a decent sense of urgency until the deadline gets close.

2) I'm a bit of a perfectionist. With an essay or a report it's never finished to me until the deadline physically arrives and I'm not actually allowed to work on it any longer. Even if I think I've finished my work a few days before the deadline I'll still go back to it to have "one last look" and end up re-writing half of it and worrying about it. I tend to worry about my work quite a bit til its handed in ... and not at all after that (why should I? you can't change it once you've handed it in!)

3) All-nighters are kinda fun. Generally kinda lonely as it's pretty much just you and the work, but still kinda fun nonetheless. With no-one around and the deadline approaching fast it's easy to focus. I like seeing my housemates/flatmates get up in the morning and uttering things like "You're up early - what time did you get up?" and seeing their faces when I say that I've been up all-night.

Anyway, no more coursework ... yay!