Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Bye Bye Coursework

I've just finished my last ever piece of university coursework (well, for my undergraduate degreee anyway). Wooo!

Of course it involved the usual all-nighter - no change there then. But why? Why do I put myself through this? I left this coursework right til the last week of the Easter holidays, but even then (after I started it last Tuesday) I should have finished it in 2 or 3 days.

1) I'm bad at disciplining myself to work - don't seem to have a decent sense of urgency until the deadline gets close.

2) I'm a bit of a perfectionist. With an essay or a report it's never finished to me until the deadline physically arrives and I'm not actually allowed to work on it any longer. Even if I think I've finished my work a few days before the deadline I'll still go back to it to have "one last look" and end up re-writing half of it and worrying about it. I tend to worry about my work quite a bit til its handed in ... and not at all after that (why should I? you can't change it once you've handed it in!)

3) All-nighters are kinda fun. Generally kinda lonely as it's pretty much just you and the work, but still kinda fun nonetheless. With no-one around and the deadline approaching fast it's easy to focus. I like seeing my housemates/flatmates get up in the morning and uttering things like "You're up early - what time did you get up?" and seeing their faces when I say that I've been up all-night.

Anyway, no more coursework ... yay!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations... must be hard to carry on living without any more coursework. Good luck with your new life-style!

Pete said...

Hehe. Thanks. Now I just have revision for exams instead! But in 3 weeks it will all be over! Woo! Then I can look forward to the summer, including a trip to see Steffen whilst the World Cup is on! But for now, I have to lock myself away with my books and study. :(

Pete said...

In fact it's only 2 and 1/2 weeks to go til the end of exams! I hope I can bear it ...

Anyway, how are you doing Andres? (Thought I'd ask you that on here seeing as I'm not really on msn much at the mo) Hope all is good. :)