Monday, November 20, 2006

Christmas Music

No, no, no, no, no. It is just TOO EARLY for it!

Christmas music is something that's been bugging me for the last 2 or 3 weeks. You see I don't so much mind occasionally seeing a Christmas display in certain shops at this time of year. You can kind of get to know where they are and avoid them until you're feeling suitably Christmas-y. Christmas music, however, is a different kettle of fish.

I was in Harrods in London on Friday (just after I'd been for a temp job interview there) and had a little nose around (I hadn't been to Harrods for a LONG time before then, so seeing as I've applied to work there thought it only reasonable that I re-familiarised myself with the place). I could, however, only survive being in the store for about 30 minutes before the wall-to-wall Christmas music drove me mad and forced me to leave.

Don't get me wrong, I don't really have a problem with Christmas music in general (there's some really good Christmas songs around - both those to do with the meaning of Christmas and those with nothing to do with it), its just that right now, it's a little early too be playing it incessantly (and in Harrods every song was a Christmas song). Once we reach December I won't feel quite the same. I heard 'Last Christmas' twice on Friday. That's twice too many for the middle of November as far as I'm concerned.


-ernny- said...

LOL.I agree. Christmas music in Nov. is so not cool. ;)
Did u get the job btw?

Pete said...

Good to know I'm not alone on this one Ernny.

I had another interview there yesterday and they offered me the job, so I'll probably start there next week. :D Fortunately I won't have to be on the shop floor most of the time though, so I won't be subjected to 8 hours of Christmas music every day like some employees there!

-ernny- said...

Yay!!That's great,Pete. Which dept will you be working in then? I'll come visit you,maybe together with Hsien before CHristmas or after christmas during sales! Will you still be working then? hee,are u excited?

Pete said...

I think I'm going to be doing credit checks and stuff (making sure people have enough money to pay!) ... so will probably spend more time 'behind the scenes' on the phone and stuff than on the shop floor. But yeah, you must come and visit (I should be there til the end of Jan) ... maybe we can go and feast on the produce of the food halls?!! ;)

-ernny- said...

Yayy! Sounds like a great plan! Will be in touch. =)