Sunday, November 20, 2005

If I'd wanted a Russian winter, I'd have moved to Russia

Oh my life! It is so, so cold outside! And I keep having people tell me how it's "going to be the coldest winter for decades" and the like. :(

I guess it wouldn't be nearly so bad if it hadn't come on so very suddenly. Up until about Tuesday, it was a lovely mild autumn, with people often walking around campus in t-shirts. Then, all of a sudden Wednesday hit us and it was as if we'd suddenly found ourselves in Siberia.

On the flip-side of the whole "I hate how cold it is" thing is the fact that there have been glorious clear blue skies almost every day this week. I guess the cold is just the price that we have to pay for this. If it's going to stay this cold though, then it would be nice to have a little snow for a change. But maybe that's asking too much.


Anonymous said...

Good weather for ducks then?... sorry you are suffering from coldness. You might want to come to Chile instead and have 30ยบ!!!

Pete said...

Well, it's not necessarily great weather for ducks as we've not had that much rain! It's just been bitterly, bitterly cold. :( 30°C sounds very, very nice - I might have to investigate flights to Chile!

Anonymous said...

Hey Pete, thought i was going to be the 1st person to comment on your blogs but the crafty Andres beat me to it! Darn, anyways i just wanted to say that when you are feeling cold this winter think of Clotilde and I in Quebec with our coats that are guaranteed to keep you warn up to -40C, living in the only place where even Eskimos complain of the cold....

Pete said...

I need one of those coats! Well, I guess it's not really that cold here when compared to -40°C, but it's quite cold enough for me. At least you've got snow - send some over here!

Pete said...

Hi Gigi,
I think you've got the right idea - running off to somewhere warmer when the cold sets in! Christmas on the beach is it then?! I don't know ...