Thursday, November 03, 2005

Why blog?

So why did I decide to start a blog? I thought this would be a sensible thing to write about in one of my first blog postings.

I guess the main reasons for setting up this blog were my enjoyment of creative writing and the feeling that it would be interesting to have some of my opinions, reflections and stories "out there" for friends, family or anyone who's interested/lost on the internet to peruse through. Not only will my entries hopefully inform, challenge or entertain, they will also, I hope, help me to structure my thoughts better as there's so much information going into the human body that sometimes I find it can be helpful to ease a cluttered mind by getting everything out and committing it all to paper (or in the case of a blog ... to server). Also I love the way that God made everyone such that two people seldom see something in exactly the same way - situations are rarely black and white, but more often one of various shades of grey. Thus if my entries provoke a healthy debate of matters then that's great. So along those lines ... please feel free to post any comments that you may have in response to my blog entries. It would be good to hear your news and views.

What will I write about on my blog? Well, almost anything is within bounds I suppose. Things that are in the public eye and things that happen to me or are going through my mind (as I continue to piece together the jigsaw of life!) are subjects that are particularly likely to crop up here. One topic that is going to be banned (or at least kept to a minimum), however, is football. I talk about football far too much in life as it is, so I see little need to write extensively about it here. So it'll be like Baddiel and Skinner Unplanned, but not as funny. Having said that though, I can see myself having to make an exception to the no-football-rule for the world cup next year ...

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